The good news for you is that Whole30 has an extensive website available to you free of charge. You can access it by going to! During my first Whole30, I found it particularly helpful, because if I was at the grocery store and wasn’t sure if something was Whole30 compliant, I could go onto the website on my smart phone and figure it out.
Below are some shortcuts to my favorite links from Whole30:
The Whole30 Summary. From the creator of Whole30 herself. I've paraphrased it here in this post, but there's a little more explanation in this link.
The Shopping List. I found this really helpful. You can print out a copy and leave it in your purse for quick reference at the grocery store. If you have a specialty diet (ie vegetarian/vegan or egg-free), they have shopping lists for them, too, on the website.
Preservative and Additive Cheat Sheet. For all those sneaky additives that you aren't sure if you can eat from memory, this is a good quick reference.
Meal Planning. How much protein should I have? I can have that much avocado? This handy guide let's you know how your meals should be composed. Remember this guide is per MEAL.
Grocery Guide. Let's you know the best options, what to avoid, and some in-between choices.
Seasonal Produce Guide. Pretty much says it all. Also points out which produce you should definitely buy organic.
Sneaky Sugars. I feel like most people know these, but it's still a good guide to have. I remember talking to someone about Whole30 and telling her there were no sugars allowed - even natural ones like agave and honey. She told me she uses "special" 99% stevia, so that's OK, since it's natural (which it actually isn't). I explained to her that it doesn't matter if it's 100% natural (like honey), sweetener is sweetener, and not allowed (except some unsweetened fruit juice can be used in cooking on Whole30).
Travel Guide. I've mentioned a bunch of these foods in past posts. Good on-the-go Whole-30 approved snacks.
Non-Scale Victories. Remember how I mentioned in my last post that you can't weigh yourself (or take any body measurements) while on Whole30? Yeah, you still can't. But this gives you an extensive list of non-scale victories for your Whole30. Things you'll notice throughout your journey: you're sleeping better, your clothes fit better, your skin is clearer, and so on...
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